儘管還遠未完成,但這份從 A 到 Z 列出的精神藥物戒斷症狀列表是由外行戒斷社區多年積累的軼事報告組成的。TWP 對 Baylissa Frederick 和 Heather Ashton 教授的工作表示深深的感謝——他們多年的工作對這份名單的制定有很大幫助。大量這些症狀在藥物標籤、藥物研究和臨床環境中仍未記錄在案,但在在線社區中,正在停止服藥的人會定期記錄和討論這些症狀。(當然,這份清單中的許多經歷不僅是精神科藥物戒斷的症狀,也是已知的服用精神科藥物的不良反應。) 許多人——尤其是那些緩慢減量並根據身體信息遵循謹慎減量方案的人——很少或根本沒有這些症狀;然而,許多人至少經歷過其中的一些。鑑於這些症狀有時可能是多麼奇怪、不舒服、令人困惑、可怕或徹頭徹尾的痛苦,因此,我們中的許多人在戒斷中發現,只要得知我們的戒斷症狀確實是真實的,而且並非孤單遠離我們的這些經驗!
- 每個戒斷症狀都有一個基本的項目符號描述;某些戒斷症狀還包括更詳細的描述以及外行報告的應對技術的鏈接,這些技術對這種症狀特別有幫助。
- 被稱為“一般”的戒斷症狀與人們發現的各種應對技巧有關,這些技巧通常有助於整個戒斷過程。
Abdominal problems 腹部問題
Achiness 成就感
Adrenal problems 腎上腺問題
Adrenaline surges 腎上腺素激增
Aggression 侵略
Agitation 攪動
Agoraphobia 廣場恐懼症
Extreme fear of being in a crowded or public space.
Air hunger 空氣飢餓
Akathisia 靜坐不能
A state of mild to incredibly severe or unbearable agitation, distress, and restlessness.
Anger/Rage 憤怒/憤怒
Anhedonia 快感缺失
Inability to feel pleasure.
Anorgasmia 性快感缺失
Inability to have an orgasm.
Anxiety 焦慮
Apathy 冷漠
Appetite changes 食慾變化
Ataxia 共濟失調
Loss of control of bodily movements.
Autoimmune conditions (onset) 自身免疫性疾病(發作)
Back pain 背疼
Balance problems/Dizziness 平衡問題/頭暈
Bladder/Urinary incontinence 膀胱/尿失禁
Blepharospasm 眼瞼痙攣
Involuntary eyelid twitching.
Bloated belly 腹脹
Bloating/Fluid retention 腹脹/體液瀦留
Blurred vision 模糊的視野
Body temperature changes 體溫變化
Brain fog/Cognitive fog 腦霧/認知霧
Brain sensations/Brain zaps 大腦感覺/腦震盪
Burning pain 灼痛
Chemical sensitivities 化學敏感性
Chills 發冷
Cognitive fog/Brain fog 認知霧/腦霧
Communication problems 溝通問題
Concentration problems 濃度問題
Confusion 混亂
Constipation 便秘
Crawling sensations on or under skin/Formication 皮膚上或皮膚下的爬行感/形成
Creaking joints 吱吱作響的關節
Crying spells/Weepiness 哭泣咒語/哭泣
Delirium 譫妄
Dental issues 牙科問題
Depersonalization 人格解體
Feeling as though your emotions and thoughts aren’t real or are a stranger’s, or feeling like you have no sense of self.
Depressed mood 情緒低落
Derealization 脫離現實
Feeling as though your surroundings are not real; like you’re is living in a dream, or a bubble.
Diarrhea 腹瀉
Digestive problems 消化問題
Dizziness/Balance problems 頭暈/平衡問題
Dreams 夢想
Dry cough 乾咳
Dry heaving 幹脹
Dry mouth/throat 口乾/喉嚨
Dry skin 皮膚乾燥
Dyspepsia 消化不良
Dysphagia 吞嚥困難
Swallowing difficulties.
Ear problems 耳朵問題
Edema/Water retention 水腫/水瀦留
Electric shock sensations/Zaps 電擊感/電擊
Electromagnetic hypersensitivity 電磁超敏反應
Emotional blunting 情緒遲鈍
Endocrine problems 內分泌問題
Esophageal problems 食道問題
Exhaustion/Tiredness 疲憊/疲倦
Extreme thirst 極度口渴
Eye problems 眼睛問題
Face pain 臉痛
Facial numbness 面部麻木
False sensations of movement (Perception distortion) 運動的錯誤感覺(感知失真)
Fasciculations 迷惑
Involuntary muscle twitching.
Fatigue/Lethargy 疲勞/嗜睡
Fear 恐懼
Fecal incontinence 大便失禁
Fight or flight response 戰鬥或逃跑反應
The body’s instinctive, primal response to a perceived threat.
Flu-like symptoms 流感樣症狀
Food intolerances/Food sensitivities 食物不耐受/食物敏感性
Formication 成型
A crawling-like sensation on the skin.
Gait abnormality 步態異常
Gastrointestinal disturbances/Stomach problems 腸胃不適/胃病
General 一般的
Genital arousal 性喚起
Glassy eyes 呆滯的眼睛
Guilt/Shame 內疚/羞恥
Impotence 陽痿
Inability to be alone 無法獨處
Incontinence 失禁
Indigestion 消化不良
Infections 感染
Inner trembling/Shaking/Vibrating 內心顫抖/顫抖/振動
Insomnia/Sleep disturbances 失眠/睡眠障礙
Intrusive memories 侵入性記憶
Intrusive thoughts 侵入性想法
Irritability 易怒
Jaw clenching/Teeth grinding 咬牙/磨牙
Jelly body 果凍體
Jelly legs 果凍腿
Joint/Muscle pain 關節/肌肉疼痛
Jumpiness 跳躍性
Lack of motivation 缺乏動力
Lethargy/Fatigue 嗜睡/疲勞
Libido loss 性慾減退
Light hypersensitivity 光過敏
Memory impairment 記憶障礙
Menstrual problems 月經問題
Metallic taste 金屬味
Mood swings 情緒波動
Moving sensations 移動的感覺
Muscle twitches/Jerks/Spasms 肌肉抽搐/抽搐/痙攣
Muscle/Joint pain 肌肉/關節疼痛
Muscular weakness 肌肉無力
Nail problems 指甲問題
Nausea 噁心
Nerve pain/Nerve burning 神經痛/神經灼熱
Neuro-emotions 神經情緒
Night sweats 盜汗
Nightmares 噩夢
Numbness/Tingling 麻木/刺痛
Obsessive/repetitive thoughts 強迫/重複的想法
Over-breathing 過度呼吸
Overwhelm 壓倒
Pain 疼痛
Palpitations 心悸
Panic attacks 驚恐發作
Paranoid thoughts 偏執的想法
Paresthesia 感覺異常
A tingling, pricking, or itching sensation caused by pressure on or injury to your peripheral nerves.
Perception distortion 感知失真
Perspiration 汗
Photosensitivity 光敏性
Having a sensitized response to light.
Pins and needles 如坐針氈
Rage/Anger 憤怒/憤怒
Reading/Comprehension problems 閱讀/理解問題
Regret 後悔
Repetitive/Obsessive thoughts 重複/強迫性想法
Restless legs 不安分的腿
Scalp pain and burning 頭皮疼痛和灼熱
Seizures 癲癇發作
Sensitivity (Body) 靈敏度(主體)
Sensory overload 感官超載
Sexual problems 性問題
Shaking/Tremors 顫抖/震顫
Shame/Guilt 羞恥/內疚
Sinus problems 鼻竇問題
Skin problems 皮膚問題
Sleep disturbances/Insomnia 睡眠障礙/失眠
Sleeping a lot 經常睡覺
Smells 聞起來
Soft tissue pain 軟組織疼痛
Speech difficulty 言語困難
Stomach problems/Gastrointestinal disturbances 胃病/腸胃不適
Sweats with chills 汗流浹背
Taste 品嚐
Teeth grinding/Jaw clenching 磨牙/咬牙
Temperature fluctuations 溫度波動
Tension- Muscular 緊張-肌肉
Terror 恐怖
Thirst 口渴
Thoughts 想法
Throat 喉
Thyroid problems 甲狀腺問題
Tingling/Prickling 刺痛/刺痛
Tinnitus 耳鳴
Ringing, buzzing, or other sounds in the ear(s).