精神障礙的網絡方法可以取代 DSM

A Network Approach to Mental Disorders Could Supplant the DSM
The network approach to mental disorders prioritizes treating interconnected symptoms rather than singular diagnoses.
利亞姆·巴赫-2022 年 4 月 27 日
By Liam G. Bach -April 27, 2022

目前的精神病診斷方法面臨著廣泛的批評。在一篇新文章中,Anne Roefs 和一組研究人員探索了一種將網絡方法應用於精神障礙的不同框架網絡方法是根據個人的獨特症狀而不是“共同原因”方法來告知的,後者試圖標記導致個人經歷的症狀的疾病或狀況
Current approaches to psychiatric diagnosis have faced widespread criticism. In a new article, Anne Roefs and a team of researchers explore a different framework applying a network approach to mental disorders. The network approach is informed by an individual’s unique symptoms rather than the “common cause” approach, which attempts to label a disorder or a condition that leads to the symptoms experienced by the individual.

Notably, the researchers emphasize that the network approach views comorbidity as a constant rather than an unfortunate case or annoyance. Herein lies a main difference between the frameworks. They explain:

“首先,DSM 和 ICD 源於醫學,並基於一個‘共同原因’框架,假設精神障礙由一個或多個潛在原因引起的症狀組成。這解釋了對特定精神障礙的潛在(主要是生物學)原因和最終共同途徑的持續搜索。對 ICD 和 DSM 中不同疾病的關注導致科學和治療都專注於不同的臨床診斷及其獨特原因。”
“First, the DSM and ICD have their roots in medicine and are based on a ‘common cause’ framework, assuming that a mental disorder consists of symptoms that all follow from one or more underlying causes. This explains the persistent search for underlying, mainly biological causes and final common pathways for specific mental disorders. The focus on separate disorders in ICD and DSM leads both science and treatments to concentrate on separate clinical diagnoses and their unique causes.”
“Second, comorbidity is the rule rather than the exception: Mental disorders frequently co-occur; at least half of the people with mental disorders receive two or more diagnoses.”

DSM 治療精神障礙的方法因試圖將完全健康/正常的行為病態化而受到批評。其他人則擔心誰會從這些可疑的說法中獲利。因此,DSM 及其作者經常因其方法而受到批評。這就是 Roefs 和她的團隊所做的研究發揮作用的地方。
The DSM approach to mental disorders has faced criticism for attempting to pathologize completely healthy/normal behaviors. Others have raised concerns about who profits from these questionable claims. Thus, the DSM and its authors are frequently criticized for their methods. This is where the research done by Roefs and her team comes into play.

網絡診斷方法將流行的診斷和隨後的治療過程視為本末倒置。也就是說,通過 DSM 進行的診斷試圖將一個人和他們的疾病放入一個盒子中,因此治療可能會變得不協調。另一方面,網絡方法不是根據診斷來治療個體,而是根據症狀來治療。
The network approach to diagnosis sees popular diagnosis and subsequent treatment processes as putting the cart before the horse. That is, diagnosis via the DSM attempts to put a person and their disorder into a box, and treatment can potentially become dissonant as a consequence. On the other hand, the network approach does not treat an individual based on a diagnosis but instead treats symptoms for what they are.

然而,Roefs 和她的團隊並不認為共同原因方法與網絡方法是相互排斥的。他們認為,症狀的原因不必被嚴厲地標記為一件事,嚴格來說不是另一件事——相反,症狀可能有近端原因和遠端原因。近端原因將是症狀的直接驅動因素。相反,遠端原因將是影響您的症狀的間接或相關條件,但不僅僅是導致它們,例如個性或社會經濟地位。
However, Roefs and her team don’t see the common cause approach as mutually exclusive with the network approach. They suggest that causes of symptoms need not be labeled harshly as just one thing and strictly not another thing—instead, symptoms may have proximal causes and distal causes. A proximal cause would be a direct driver of symptoms. In contrast, distal causes would be indirect or related conditions that affect your symptoms but don’t solely cause them, such as personality or socioeconomic status.

The researchers discuss that the network approach has three main steps: mapping, zooming, and targeting. In mapping, a list of symptoms and other elements of a disorder (elements being equivalent to, for example, life events or circumstances) would be placed as disconnected nodes. Then, in zooming, links would be drawn between nodes in an attempt to find causal relationships between symptoms, elements, and each other. Finally, targeting.

It is what it sounds like—treatment of the symptoms in a fashion that would be personalized to a person’s network of symptoms and elements, rather than adhering to the guidelines of a diagnosis. This is how comorbidity is treated not as an unlucky or annoying factor in diagnosis but as a wholly confrontable and even typical aspect of psychopathology. From the point of view of the network approach, comorbidity is simply symptoms that overlap/interact.

“The network approach also sheds an entirely different light on the question of why mental disorders are highly comorbid. These networks are transdiagnostic by nature; if two disorders share a symptom, such as, for example, fear that is shared between anorexia nervosa and anxiety disorders, the symptom may operate as a bridge between the two disorders, connecting two or more networks into one single system. From this point of view, high levels of comorbidity are not methodological artifacts but result from real patterns of complex relations that do not respect diagnostic boundaries: In this sense, comorbidity is an intrinsic feature of mental disorders, rather than a nuisance.”

While the authors see the network approach as potentially revolutionary for psychotherapy, there are challenges. For one, the network approach may extend the time it takes for someone to begin treatment. This is because mapping out a network of symptoms and elements is a more involved process than identifying a pre-constructed diagnosis.

Also, networks can only be created with a great understanding of symptoms and network-approach interventions. Treatment strategies would be far more personalized, and every case may be new and unique. Even if the entire world of therapists and psychologists were to be instantly convinced of the benefits of the network approach, there would still be a learning curve for it to be used effectively.

“For the network approach to be adopted in clinical practice, it is essential to equip therapists with tools and training to relatively quickly obtain networks of their clients themselves and to use these to guide their network-informed diagnoses and treatments. Therapists should also be educated and trained in the performance of adequate network-based interventions.”

The authors say that if their research shows validity in their claims, they aim to implement the network approach to diagnosis and treatment in clinical practice.


Roefs, A., Fried, EI, Kindt, M., Martijn, C., Elzinga, B., Evers, AWM, Wiers, RW, Borsboom, D., & Jansen, A. (2022)。精神障礙的新科學:使用個性化的、跨診斷的、動態的系統來理解、建模、診斷和治療精神病理學。行為研究與治療,104096。https ://doi.org/10.1016/j.brat.2022.104096 (鏈接)
Roefs, A., Fried, E. I., Kindt, M., Martijn, C., Elzinga, B., Evers, A. W. M., Wiers, R. W., Borsboom, D., & Jansen, A. (2022). A new science of mental disorders: Using personalised, transdiagnostic, dynamical systems to understand, model, diagnose and treat psychopathology. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 104096. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.brat.2022.104096 (Link)

利亞姆·巴赫Liam 於 2021 年畢業於巴德學院,獲得生物學/心理學雙學位,擁有生態學和藝術背景。利亞姆感興趣的是關注主導話語如何運作以構建更廣泛的社會問題,包括氣候變化和社會正義努力,作為需要個人管理的個人問題。他打算在 2022 年繼續攻讀博士學位——同時,他將閱讀、寫作、繪畫和睡覺。

Liam G. BachLiam graduated from Bard College as a Biology/Psychology double major in 2021 and has a background in ecology and art. Liam brings an interest in attending to how dominant discourses operate to construct broader social issues, including climate change and social justice efforts, as individual problems in need of individual management. He intends to pursue doctoral studies in 2022—in the meantime, he will be reading, writing, drawing, and sleeping.

By bangqu

