Eugenics, Lobotomy, Risperidone: “Science” Gone Awry
by 泰勒日-2022 年 4 月 22 日
我在波士頓郊區長大。我母親的祖母是一名精神科醫生。我記得在我年輕的時候問過她,大概 10 歲左右,你怎麼知道一個人是否患有精神疾病,因為沒有針對精神疾病的生物測試(她之前告訴我沒有測試)。她的回答是,如果有人在被問到問題時看著地面並顯得害羞,那就意味著他們有精神病。回想起來,令人失望的是,我的祖母可能是個騙子,就像她的精神病學同事一樣。
I grew up in a suburb of Boston. My grandmother on my mother’s side of the family was a psychiatrist. I remember asking her when I was young, perhaps 10 or so, how you can tell if someone is mentally ill or not since there are no biological tests for mental illness (she had told me prior to that that there are no tests). Her response was that if someone looked at the ground when asked a question and appeared shy, then it meant they were mentally ill. Thinking back on this, it is disappointing that my grandmother was probably a charlatan, like her colleagues in psychiatry.
她的兒子,我的叔叔,和她的丈夫,我的祖父一樣,被診斷出患有精神分裂症。除了這兩個病例,我母親那邊的其他人都沒有任何精神疾病診斷。我的精神科醫生祖母在我 1983 年出生之前的某個時候與我的祖父離婚。他是一名殯儀業者。他於 2004 年去世,儘管我的家人沒有被告知他的死訊,因為我母親與她的兄弟(我的叔叔被診斷為精神分裂症)的關係因我的精神科醫生祖母的遺產而被破壞,祖母死於肺癌由於 1999 年吸煙。在她死之前,她總是宣稱沒有證據表明吸煙會導致肺癌,當她坐著抽著“駱駝牌未過濾菸”時。
Her son, my uncle, was diagnosed as schizophrenic, as was her husband, my grandfather. Besides those two cases, nobody else on my mother’s side of the family had any mental illness diagnosis. My psychiatrist grandmother had divorced my grandfather sometime before I was born in 1983. He was a mortician by trade. He died in 2004, though my family was not told about his death, as my mother’s relationship with her brother (my uncle with the schizophrenia diagnosis) had been ruined due to an argument over the estate of my psychiatrist grandmother, who died from lung cancer due to smoking in 1999. She always declared that there was no evidence smoking caused lung cancer, as she sat smoking away on her Camel Unfiltered. Before she died, she appointed my mother as sole executrix over her estate because my grandmother felt that her son with a diagnosis of schizophrenia could not be trusted as an equal in the management of the estate.

在我的精神科醫生祖母去世不到一年後,我正在和學校裡的一個人交談,我通過我在成長過程中參加的當地一神論普遍主義教會(Unitarian Universalist church)認識了他一點。當我大二時,他是高年級學生,大三學生。當我是一名音樂家、吉他手時,我曾略微仰望過他,他也是。我記得和他談過迷幻藥,說我有興趣嘗試它們,而且我最近讀了一本讓我感興趣的 Carlos Castaneda 的書。他告訴我,我應該嘗試剝奪睡眠(sleep deprivation),因為它就像迷幻藥。
Less than a year after my psychiatrist grandmother died, I was talking to someone in school whom I had known a little through the local Unitarian Universalist church I had attended growing up. He was an upperclassman, a junior, when I was a sophomore. I had looked up to him slightly as I was a musician, a guitarist, and so was he. I remember talking to him about psychedelic drugs, saying I was interested in trying them, and that I had read a Carlos Castaneda book recently that got me interested. He told me that I should try sleep deprivation because it was like psychedelic drugs.
天真,沒有意識到我被一個惡霸最壞的當作傻瓜,或者只是得到了可怕的建議,我嘗試了它,並熬夜了一個多星期。當我在父母身邊開始表現得很奇怪時,他們認為我患有躁鬱症並帶我去了醫院。我得到了一些 Ativan(勞拉西泮,Lorazepam)並送我上路。20 小時後我醒來,父母帶我去接受心理健康評估,並建議我接受治療。然後我被送到波士頓的方濟各會兒童醫院。我對精神病學的真正意義有了一種感覺,我的生活在很多方面都被顛覆了,我仍然從未從中恢復過來。
Being naive, and not recognizing that I was being taken for a fool by a bully at worst, or had just been given horrible advice at best, I tried it, and stayed up for over a week. When I started acting strange around my parents, they thought that I had bipolar disorder and brought me to the hospital. I was given some Ativan and sent on my way. I woke up 20 hours later and my parents ushered me away to a mental health evaluation, where I was recommended for treatment. I was then sent to Franciscan Children’s Hospital in Boston. I got a feel for what psychiatry really is there, and my life was upended in many ways that I have still never recovered from.
當我 16 歲到達方濟各會兒童醫院時,我告訴他們我患有嚴重的睡眠不足。然而,他們命令我多熬夜幾天,以進行腦電圖檢查,要求患者剝奪睡眠。因為我是周五晚上到的,所以我不得不等整個週末。每次我快要睡著的時候,護士都會叫醒我。我心煩意亂。感覺像是一種折磨。最重要的是,醫生 Mark Stromberg 醫生沒有給我診斷出任何問題,而是給我開了鋰和利培酮。(為什麼,我不知道。)我試圖打開吊頂的一部分(opening part of a hung ceiling)逃離醫院,結果老鼠藥掉進了我的眼睛。幸運的是,他們手邊有洗眼液(就像高中科學教室裡的那種)。
When I got to Franciscan Children’s Hospital, at age 16, I told them I was suffering from significant sleep deprivation. However, they ordered me to stay up for days longer for an EEG that required the patient to be sleep-deprived. Since I got there on a Friday night, I had to wait all weekend. Every time I was about to fall asleep, a nurse would wake me up. I was distraught. It felt like torture. On top of that, the doctor, Dr. Mark Stromberg, did not diagnose me with anything, yet prescribed me Lithium and Risperidone. (Why, I have no idea.) I tried to escape from the hospital by opening part of a hung ceiling, only to have rat poison fall into my eyes. They fortunately had an eyewash handy (like the kind that are in high school science classrooms).
Once outside the hospital, I quickly realized that I could not function on the medications. I couldn’t even get through three pages of a book without falling asleep. Needless to say, I started immediately failing in school due to these medications. I decided after a few weeks that I had to get off the medication, and rapidly withdrew without knowing what I was doing, and experienced an iatrogenic psychosis, the first of many. The second hospitalization, a mere month after the first, was at Pembroke Hospital, an Arbor Hospital on the South Shore of Massachusetts.
當我到達彭布羅克醫院時,住院的精神科醫生問我為什麼要服用所有這些強效藥物,他說在沒有診斷的情況下服用這些藥物很奇怪。他問我最近是否吸過大麻,我回答是,他的回答我至今仍無法忘懷。他說:“很遺憾你被分配到 Shrand 博士,因為他真的反對大麻和吸毒,並且對此有強烈的感覺,但如果由我決定,我會讓你戒掉這些藥物,因為人們不這樣做對他們很好。”
When I arrived at Pembroke Hospital, I was asked by the admitting psychiatrist why I was on all these strong medications, which he said were very odd to be taking without a diagnosis. He asked if I had used marijuana recently, which I replied yes to, and his response I can’t get out of my mind even to this day. He said, “It’s unfortunate that you got assigned Dr. Shrand because he really is against marijuana and drug use, and feels strongly about it, but if it was up to me, I would take you off these drugs because people don’t do well on them.”
Sure enough, he was right: as soon as I saw Dr. Shrand, he asked me if I had smoked marijuana. I said yes. I asked him what my diagnosis was and he replied that it would depend on the results of the drug screening test. After that result came back positive for marijuana, he diagnosed me with bipolar disorder, and completely ruined my life. I believe that what happened to me was an example of the War on Drugs being enforced by gatekeepers in psychiatry — what amounts to political abuse of psychiatry. From then on, my parents made me take all the prescribed medications and I went from being a student in all honors classes to failing every last class and repeating a year of high school.
我在馬薩諸塞州韋爾斯利的哈佛先鋒醫院就診的第一位精神科醫生是 Miriam Rosenberg 博士。這個所謂的專家試圖說服我我是同性戀(我是異性戀),並告訴我我患有神經衰弱症,這是 1869 年的診斷,甚至到 2012 年都不再被診斷出來。最終我離開了這個庸醫,結果與 Daniel Teplin 博士在馬薩諸塞州布倫特里的另一個哈佛先鋒工廠。他告訴我,如果我不吃藥,我可能會心臟病發作,這幾乎表明他也是一個江湖騙子。
The first outpatient psychiatrist I had was at Harvard Vanguard in Wellesley, Massachusetts: Dr. Miriam Rosenberg. This so-called expert tried to convince me I was gay (I’m straight), and told me I had neurasthenia, a diagnosis from 1869 that is no longer even diagnosed as of 2012. Eventually I left this quack, and ended up at another Harvard Vanguard facility in Braintree, Massachusetts, with Dr. Daniel Teplin. He told me that if I didn’t take the medication, I might have a heart attack, which pretty much shows me that he was also a charlatan.
在高中大部分時間不及格後,在我複讀的那一年,他讓我服用半劑量的鋰,並完全停止服用利培酮,這讓我至少恢復了一些功能並畢業了。然後我去了社區大學,最後在 2005 年秋天轉到馬薩諸塞大學阿默斯特分校,在那裡我安全地戒掉了藥物,並在 2008 年冬天獲得了學士學位。我在大學裡沒有精神疾病發作,並服用了很多毒品:迷幻藥、蘑菇、大麻早中晚,還有酒精,從來沒有一個問題。你的心是你的(and never had a single problem. Your mind is yours.)。
After failing most of high school, in the year I repeated, he allowed me to take a half dose of the Lithium and to stop taking the Risperidone altogether, which allowed me to regain some functioning and graduate, at least. I then went to community college and ended up transferring to University of Massachusetts Amherst in fall of 2005, where I safely withdrew from the medication and was able to acquire a Bachelor’s degree by winter 2008. I had no episodes of mental illness in college and took a lot of drugs: LSD, mushrooms, marijuana morning noon and night, as well as alcohol, and never had a single problem. Your mind is yours.
在上大學的時候,我參加了一門名為維多利亞時代的怪物:19世紀英國恐怖小說的課程。在這堂課上,教授向我們展示了 Ofra Bikel 的 PBS Frontline 紀錄片《尋找撒旦》 ,該紀錄片記錄了 1980 年代和 1990 年代初期精神病學中的醫療事故,特別關注分離性身份障礙(當時稱為多重人格障礙)。這部精彩的紀錄片雖然被 FCC 禁止為相互關聯的政府機構挽回面子,但它解釋了自腦葉切除術以來精神病學的最大愚蠢:“撒旦儀式濫用”和撒旦邪教正在導緻美國精神疾病流行的概念。
While attending university, I took a class called Victorian Monstrosity: 19th Century English Horror Novels. In this class, the professor showed us a screening of Ofra Bikel’s PBS Frontline documentary titled The Search For Satan which documented medical malpractice in psychiatry in the 1980s and early 1990s, specifically focusing on Dissociative Identity Disorder (which was then called Multiple Personality Disorder). This splendid documentary, though banned by the FCC to save face for interrelated government institutions, explains psychiatry’s biggest folly since the lobotomy: the notion that “Satanic Ritual Abuse” and satanic cults are causing an epidemic of mental illness across America.
上課時,這種混亂的似是而非的起源是聳人聽聞的文學和媒體——換句話說,從 1970 年代和 1980 年代初期開始的道德恐慌。一方面,Sybil,被認為是 70 年代第一位 MPD 患者,多年後承認她正在編造(這可以通過 NPR 的在線新聞文章等得到證實)。另一個例子是勞倫斯·帕茲德(Lawrence Pazder)1980 年轟動一時的《米歇爾回憶錄》( Michelle Remembers),該劇名譽掃地。
As the class was taught, the specious origins of the disorder were sensational literature and the media — moral panics, in other words, from the 1970s and early 1980s. For one, Sybil, the supposed first MPD patient from the 70s, admitted years later that she was making it up (this can be verified with online news articles from NPR, etc.). Another example was Lawrence Pazder’s 1980 sensational tell-all Michelle Remembers, which has been discredited.
這門課的重點是探索醫學上可疑的精神病院的現代恐怖原型,以及出現在布拉姆斯托克的小說《德古拉》以及瑪麗雪莉的《科學怪人》和許多其他作品中的科學出錯的主題。1970 年代初期的恐怖片《蠕動的肉體》也浮現在腦海)。我驚訝地發現我一直都是對的,精神科醫生真的是假裝在完成一些科學的江湖醫生,而實際上他們只是在製作令人憎惡的作品。
The point of the class was to explore the archetype in modern horror of the medically questionable Insane Asylum, and the theme of science-gone-awry, which appears in Bram Stoker’s novel, Dracula, as well as Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein and many others (the horror film The Creeping Flesh from the early 1970s also comes to mind). I was surprised and vindicated to realize that I was right all along, that psychiatrists truly were quacks pretending to be accomplishing something scientific when in actuality they were only producing works of abomination.
教授個人認為精神病學是千禧年主義和其他文化結構造成的替罪羊的一個例子。事實是,直到今天,儘管被揭穿,分離性身份障礙仍然被診斷出來。我們還在課堂上了解到,在 PBS 前線紀錄片上映幾個月後,有一個X檔案以一個患有雙相情感障礙的連環殺手為特色的一集。這一集被稱為“Oubliette”,是的,這引起了今天仍在繼續的另一場道德恐慌。這就是為什麼精神科醫生在 2000 年聲稱“雙相情感障礙是一種罕見的疾病,影響千分之一的人”,而今天他們聲稱這是一種常見的疾病,影響了 100 分之一的人。兩極恐慌只是不斷滾雪球。這位大學教授對我影響很大,並建議我避開心理學家、精神科醫生和任何涉及這些領域的人。我接受了他的建議。為什麼要相信優生學家在 1800 年代發明的任何醫學診斷?
The professor’s personal belief is that psychiatry is an example of scapegoating, caused by millenarianism and other cultural constructs. The fact is that Dissociative Identity Disorder, to this day, is still diagnosed despite being debunked. We learned in the class, also, that several months after the release of the PBS Frontline documentary, there was an X-Files episode that featured a serial killer with bipolar disorder. The episode is called “Oubliette” and yes, this caused another moral panic that continues today. It is a reason why psychiatrists claimed in the year 2000 that “bipolar is a rare disorder affecting 1 in 1000 people” and yet today they claim that it is a common disorder, affecting 1 in 100 people. The bipolar scare just keeps snowballing. This college professor was very influential on me and has advised me to avoid psychologists, psychiatrists, and any people involved in those fields. I have taken his advice. Why trust any medical diagnosis invented by eugenicists in the 1800s?
自從我最初的事故以來,我已經多次住院,並認為這是由於醫源性影響。2012 年,我患有慢性失眠症,不得不辭掉工作。我當時和我住在一起的父母認為我有精神病,並在沒有我參與的情況下從我的初級保健醫生(不再是我的醫生)那裡得到了一種抗精神病藥物。它是 Abilify。我的父母告訴我,如果我不接受,他們不會讓我住在他們的房子裡,我會無家可歸。我拿了它,反應很糟糕。我說不出話來。就好像我中風了一樣。但是我被告知我必須服用它並服用了一個月。
I have been hospitalized many times since my initial mishap, and believe that this is due to iatrogenic effects. In 2012 I had a bout of chronic insomnia and had to quit my job. My parents, who I was living with at the time, thought I was mentally ill and got an antipsychotic drug from my primary care physician (who is no longer my doctor) without my participation. It was Abilify. I was told by my parents that if I didn’t take it, they would not allow me to live in their house and I would be homeless. I took it and had a bad reaction. I couldn’t speak. It was almost as if I was having a stroke. But I was told I had to take it and took it for a month.
Unfortunately, the medication eventually caused me to hallucinate, seeing things and hearing things that are not there, which has lasted to today. My diagnosis was changed from bipolar to schizophrenia after this, and more recently to schizoaffective. (The word “schizophrenia,” incidentally, was coined by a eugenicist.)
The worst thing about psychiatry, besides it being mainstream eugenics (claims of a genetic cause without a single test to confirm as much), is how it convinces your family to do things that they think are correct, which ultimately gets them to participate in harming you on behalf of the psychiatrist’s demented mad science. An actual medical doctor is not even required when diagnosing mental illness. It can be done by a psychologist with no medical training. The “medications” can be dispensed by a psychiatric nurse practitioner. This process is another indicator of the dubiousness of psychiatric treatment and further evidence that it is mere skulduggery.
精神病學嚴重傷害了我,很大程度上毀了我的家庭。我現在完全提倡反精神病學,並對包括優生學、腦葉切除術和撒旦恐慌在內的精神病學的骯髒歷史感到震驚。幸運的是,我不再服用精神科藥物,並且最近向我的家人展示了上面討論的 PBS 前線紀錄片。我希望在我有生之年看到精神病學的終結。
Psychiatry has harmed me severely, and ruined my family to a large degree. I fully advocate Anti-psychiatry now, and am appalled at the sordid history of psychiatry that has included eugenics, lobotomy, and satanic panic. Luckily, I am no longer taking psychiatric medication and have recently gotten through to my family, having shown them the PBS Frontline documentary discussed above. I hope to see the end of psychiatry in my lifetime.
(After heart disease and cancer, death from psychiatric medication is the third or fourth leading cause of death at any given time. A recent Swedish study showed that one third of Lithium patients develop kidney failure.)
Tyler DayTyler Day is an Anti-psychiatry advocate with a Bachelor’s in English.
